Unique Information

Friday, 18 July 2014

Obama Warns Against Death Escalation in Gaza

A convoy of Israeli armoured personnel carriers move towards the Gaza border - 18 July 2014

                  The attack at Gaza in Picture; Source of photo: BBC

The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, report this early morning on the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestine is on the warning that the United States president issued to the Israel on the rapid death in the number of civilians killed at Gaza. According to BBC report, it stated: “US President Barack Obama has backed Israeli's right to self-defence, but warned against escalation in Gaza.

US president said that Israel have the right to self-defend their nation but warned that the number of casualties that the Palestine civilians are receiving is growing rapidly in number.  According to the report that Unique Information received, not less than 60 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched their attack on Thursday. The estimated number of innocent souls of the Palestinians that have been killed since the crisis stated on July 8, 2014 is more than 40,000

Based on the crash between the two nations, President Obama said "no nation should accept rockets being fired into its borders" but called on Israel's military to conduct its operation "in a way that minimizes civilian casualties."   

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