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Sunday, 20 July 2014

Israel Lost 13 Soldiers in Gaza

A convoy of Israeli armoured personnel carriers move towards the Gaza border - 18 July 2014

The crisis between Israel and Palestine is of increasing number as Israel lost the highest number of solders since it started. According to report from British Broadcasting Corporation, Israel they lost the highest number of 13 soldiers since Saturday night. This is the largest number they have lost within one day. As it stands now, Israel has lost a total of eighteen soldiers since the crisis began.

Israel Prime Minister in the person of, Benjamin Netanyahu, vowed that the operation will continue to see its end. Statistically, a minimum of 80 Gazans were reported dead on Sunday. Sixty of the dead Gazans are from Shejaiya. In the spirit of the operation, gunfire and shouts are heard among the Hamas as the Palestine claimed they captured one of the Israel’s soldiers.  

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